Thursday, September 13, 2007

THINK: a new research project evolving solutions for smarter living

Through the 'Think' project, Casavaria aims to develop major new technologies to help bring the costly aspects of everyday post-industrial life in line with what the planet, and civilization itself, can sustain. The project seeks to reduce instability in technology for communication and to develop an entirely new sort of renewable "fuel" source.

Both of these inaugural projects are at present in the theoretical phase. To continue research and development, Casavaria will be seeking to collaborate with experts in diverse fields of study and engineering, and to find funding for projects whose results should resonate at the heart of everyday experience in today's world.

Think is envisioned as a forum which may bring together scientists, authors, researchers, critics, hobbyists and lay people, in an effort to spur discussion and to foment innovation. Projects proposed by Casavaria will remain the intellectual property of the Think project, though collaborators may from time to time be officially recognized by the editors, due to their contributions in this forum.

With Think, Casavaria takes the view that research must be open and avoid bias toward even its own stated goal, but research will be conducted, promoted or discussed, with the policy that the problem is not whether a good idea is possible, but how to achieve it, or which of various possible scenarios is optimal for all involved. [Full Text]

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